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This map is provided solely as an initial inventory of nutrient spreading risks for nutrient management planning. It must be field verified to identify additional risk areas such as conduits to groundwater and concentrated flow channels. The Department of Agriculture, Trade and Consumer Protection and University of Wisconsin do not guarantee the accuracy, the applicability for a particular use, the completeness, or the legality of data provided by other sources. No warranty, expressed or implied, is made regarding the accuracy or utility of information depicted on this map.
Karst Features in Brown, Door, Kewaunee and Manitowoc Counties:
These counties have voluntarily provided a map of karst feature/sinkhole data collected from multiple sources. Much of the information presented is the result of local land conservation department staff performing routine field walk-overs as part of conservation program compliance monitoring activities. This data layer is not a complete inventory of the entire landscape in any given county and in all cases must be field verified for accuracy. Due to the inherent nature of karst landscapes, new features can develop at any time.
Dane County LiDAR Slope > 6% Layer:
This information is provided by Dane County Land & Water Resources Department as an alternative to using soils data to determine the 6% slope threshold for winter spreading restrictions. The layer was developed using 2017 Dane County LiDAR information and identifies areas in the county where the slopes are > 6% and are required to have additional practices under a USDA NRCS 590 winter spreading plan and Dane County Winter Spreading Permit.
Door County Ordinance – No Manure:
This layer identifies where mechanical manure application is prohibited without proper bedrock verification using the areas identified with Silurian bedrock 0-2ft from the surface and the location of karst features that are conduits to groundwater to identify prohibited areas. This layer can be used to calculate spreadable acres in individual fields and on total farmed acres.
The Silurian Bedrock Performance Standards, effective 9/27/18, are for mechanical manure applications in Door County where soil depth is 16 feet (Door County) or less over Silurian bedrock.
Layers that trigger Local prohibitions for winter spreading
Manitowoc County Areas of contribution to direct conduits to groundwater:
This layer was supplied by the Manitowoc County Soil and Water Conservation Dept.
Kewaunee County Areas with Less than 20 Feet to Bedrock:
This layer gets the Local prohibitions symbol and defines the areas addressed in the Kewaunee County Public Health and Groundwater Protection Ordinance, which prohibits mechanical applications of manure in areas less than 20ft to bedrock from January 1st through April 15th. The Kewaunee County Land & Water Conservation Department has provided this map layer.
Historic Mining Data
The mine features shown are based on historic records and do not account for recent movement of topsoil. The soils in the vicinity of past zinc and lead mining operations may contain elevated levels of both metals. Please see the report for further information